Fitness schedule ll gym workout plan ll 6 day gym workout schedule

Rashid ki Memes

Fitness schedule ll gym workout plan ll 6 day gym workout schedule

Creating a fitness schedule is an important step towards achieving a healthy lifestyle. Exercising in the morning is a great way to kick-start your day and improve your physical and mental health. In this article, we will provide a sample fitness schedule that you can follow in the morning to improve your overall fitness.

Before we get started, it's important to note that any fitness schedule should be tailored to your specific needs and goals. If you have any medical conditions or injuries, you should consult with a doctor or a fitness professional before starting any exercise program.

Here is an example of a fitness schedule that you can follow in the morning:

TimeExercise TypeDurationIntensity
6:00Stretching10 minLow
6:10Yoga20 minMedium
6:30Cardio30 minHigh
7:00Strength Training30 minHigh
7:30Cool-down Stretching10 minLow


You should do Stretching morning early . Stretching can help to improve your flexibility, reduce muscle soreness and increase blood flow to your muscles.

Neck stretchSlowly tilt your head to the left and hold for 10 sec
Repeat on the right side
Shoulder stretchRaise your left arm, bend it at the elbow, and hold
it with your right hand for 10 sec.
Repeat on the right side

Slowly reach forward and hold for 10 sec.


After stretching, it's time to do some yoga. Yoga is an incredible method for working on your adaptability, strength, and equilibrium. It can likewise assist with diminishing pressure and anxiet. some yoga pose are listed down:

Yoga PoseDescription
Downward DogStart on your hands and knees, lift your hips and straighten your arms and legs
Tree PoseStand with your feet hip-width apart, place one foot on the opposite thigh
and hold for 10 sec. Repeat on the other side
Warrior PoseStand with your feet wide apart, turn your right foot out and bend your knee
Hold for 10 sec. Repeat on the other side


Cardiovascular activity is significant for further developing your heart wellbeing, consuming calories, and expanding your perseverance. some exercises:

Jumping JacksStand with your feet together and jump while raising your arms above your head
and spreading your legs apart.
RunningIf you have access to a treadmill, you can go for a run.
Otherwise, you can go for a brisk walk outside.

Strength Training:

Strength training is important for building muscle, increasing your metabolism, and improving your overall strength. some exercises

Squatsbended your knees and your hips to ground

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